FABER CASTELL Pastelpotloden los


2,10 € 2.1 EUR 2,10 €

2,10 €

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  • Kleur

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Kleur 101 White of 103 Ivory of 102 Cream of 104 Light yellow glaze of 106 Light chrome yellow of 109 Dark chrome yellow of 113 Orange glaze of 118 Scarlet red of 225 Dark red of 226 Alizarin crimson of 127 Pink carmine of 124 Rose carmine of 194 Red-violet of 160 Manganese violet of 138 Violet of 157 Dark indigo of 151 Helioblue-reddish of 143 Cobalt blue of 140 Light ultramarine of 149 Bluish turquoise of 155 Helio turquoise of 153 Cobalt turquoise of 156 Cobalt green of 159 Hooker`s green of 167 Permanent green olive of 267 Pine green of 165 Juniper green of 173 Olive green yellowish of 170 May green of 168 Earth green yellowish of 174 Chromium green opaque of 172 Earth green of 169 Caput mortuum of 192 Indian red of 193 Burnt carmine of 131 Coral of 132 Beige red of 189 Cinnamon of 191 Pompeian red of 190 Venetian red of 188 Sanguine of 187 Burnt ochre of 186 Terracotta of 183 Light yellow ochre of 185 Naples yellow of 184 Dark naples ochre of 182 Brown ochre of 180 Raw umber of 179 Bistre of 176 Van dyck brown of 280 Burnt umber of 283 Burnt siena of 177 Walnut brown of 175 Dark sepia of 273 Warm grey IV of 270 Warm grey I of 230 Cold grey I of 233 Cold grey IV of 181 Payne´s grey of 199 Black